
asian americans needed for brain injury study

My good friend Patricia Lee, a graduate student at the University of Massachusetts Boston, is working on her dissertation project in the field of clinical psychology, and is looking for participants for her research study. She's interested in understanding how Asian American cope with brain injury. Read on for details:
Asians/Asian Americans with Brain Injury

The University of Massachusetts Boston is seeking Asian and Asian American adults with brain injury to participate in a research study. We are interested in examining the relationships between Asian values, coping style, and well-being.

This research will involve:
- An interview about your brain injury history and experiences
- Taking a short cognitive test
- Filling out a booklet of questionnaires

Some of the requirements for this study are that you:
- Are 18 or older
- Identify as Asian, Asian American, or a specific Asian ethnic group
- Had a brain injury, which includes but is not limited to traumatic brain injury, serious concussion, stroke, brain tumor, or infection.
- Are sufficiently fluent in English

Participation should take approximately 3 hours to complete and involves one visit. You will receive $50 for completing the study.

For more information, please contact:
Patricia Lee
Maybe you are someone you know fits the bill and can help her out. Patricia is willing to travel to meet subjects. The results from her study will reveal ways in which Asian Americans can be better served, both in rehabilitation and mental health settings. For more information on the study, go here: Asian TBI Study.

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