
ape entertainment's new kid imprint title: mecha-nation

Last month, comics publisher Ape Entertainment announced the first title on its new KiZoic imprint, Mecha-Nation, a 3-issue mini-series from Spectacular Spider-Man producers Greg Weisman and Vic Cook, and Greg Guler with interior artwork by newcomer Antonio Campo: Ape Entertainment Launches Young Reader Imprint.

According to the description, one of the main characters appears to be a kid named Kevin Cho, who discovers he has the ability to transform into a robotic warrior (don't know which one he is pictured above):
The New Kid. The Geek. The Rocker. The Cheerleader. The Goth. An unlikely group of friends under normal circumstances, right? But in Mecha-Nation, Glass Lake High School's newest transfer student, Kevin Cho, discovers that he has a lot more in common with these individuals than just econ class! These kids are more than just homo-sapiens, they’re Mecha-Sapiens! Empowered with the ability to transform into robotic warriors, they are the first of a brand new Mecha-Nation!
Not sure when it'll be available, but issues will be available at comic book specialty shops, then later collected into trade paperbacks for the general mass market. For more information, visit the KiZoic website here.

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