
pervy iphone upskirt app

Remember that icky Cute Asian Girls iPhone app? Here's another one that takes handheld interactivity to the next level of perviness: Puff!, which basically allows you to blow into the iPhone microphone or push your finger up the screen, which causes a pictured Japanese girl's skirt to blow up in the air, revealing her underthings. I am not joking about this:

If you blow on the mic of the application, the skirt of the girl on the screen will lift up. Please blow on the girl (rub on the screen upward on an iPod Touch). The girl's skirt lift up and she reacts, giving you different looks.

The length of your breath determines how far up the skirt goes, or how the girl reacts.

The first release will feature 3 Japanese girls, to be blown away by you in various situations.

Winning a special bonus is all up to you!
Dude. What is wrong with people? You can actually purchase this app right now in the Apple Store for $0.99. More here: Satirical iPhone Apps? Not Cool. Upskirt iPhone Apps? Cool. There also video of the app in action here. So... if you happen to see a creepy dude blowing into his iPhone (or rubbing the screen a little too vigorously), he might just be playing Puff!

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