
participants needed for psychology research survey

I recently heard from Shengying Zhang, a counseling psychology graduate student at the University fo Florida who is conducting a study about the experiences of Asians and Asian Americans in the United States. He's currently looking for participants to take an online survey. Read on for details:
In order to participate you must:
- be 18 years or older
- reside in the US
- be of Asian descent or background

Your participation is very important to us in that it will help us learn about the experiences of Asian and Asian American persons in the United States. There are no anticipated risks or compensation to you as a participant in this study and your participation is completely voluntary. You will be asked to respond anonymously to questions about your experiences and beliefs. General demographic information, such as gender and age, will be used only to describe the sample as a group. You do not have to answer any question you do not wish to answer. We will not trace the identities of participants; therefore, all responses will be anonymous and confidential. Responses will be reported in the form of group averages that include data from the other participants. You are free to withdraw your consent to participate and may discontinue your participation in the study at any time without consequence.
If you fit the criteria, and are willing to help out, you can take the survey here. For more information, contact Shengying Zhang (szhang.research@gmail.com), doctoral student in the Department of Psychology, or project supervisor Bonnie Moradi, Ph.D. (moradib@ufl.edu), Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology, University of Florida. This study has been approved by the University of Florida Institutional Review Board (UFIRB#2009-U-1031).

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