
ethno l.a.: revisioning community and culture

Cool event happening next week in Los Angeles... UCLA's Center for EthnoCommunications presents Ethno L.A., a restrospective of student films. It's Monday, May 10 at the Hammer Museum. The evening's program will include a diverse array of films highlighting perspectives and stories from across Los Angeles. Here's the trailer, and some details:

ETHNO LA: Revisioning Community and Culture
A retrospective of films from the UCLA Center for EthnoCommunications

Monday, May 10, 2010 - 7pm
Hammer Museum, Billy Wilder Theater
10899 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90024

This is a FREE event! Reception to follow program.

Please join us for an evening of films by students of the Center for EthnoCommunications program, highlighting the diverse experiences of people across Los Angeles County. This retrospective screening aims to bring together students, faculty, staff, and community members to share stories that provide a lens into multi-ethnic Los Angeles. EthnoLA: Revisioning Community and Culture features six films that highlight a range of issues, including the struggles of low-income students at Belmont High School; South Asian motel owners, a skateboard crew in Long Beach, Pilipinos in the Los Angeles hip hop scene in the mid-90s, and one of the Bus Riders’ Union’s eldest organizers, Grandma Kim. The event will also include a Q&A with the filmmakers, followed by light refreshments provided by the Hammer Museum.

Beats, Rhymes, and Resistance (1997)
810logy (2002)
No Vacancy (2003)
Belmont High: Trapping Our Youth (2003)
Metro Es Para Todos (2004)
Troqueros (2008)
Sounds like a really cool collection of films, with real stories about real people. I like that. And best of all, the whole thing's free, with a reception afterwards. But a ticket is required -- Billy Wilder Theater Box Office one hour prior to start time (first come, first served). For more information about the event, contact Gena at ghamamoto@ucla.edu or go here. (Thanks, Tad.)

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