Nerds, behold! Meet Anthony Le of Thornton, Colorado, who has gained some notoriety for making ridiculously elaborate custom-made Iron Man suit. Yes, the man underneath the mask is an Asian dude: Anthony Le aims to take cosplay to new levels with Iron Man suits. Check out some more photos:
Over the last two years, Le has made a name for himself in the costuming community for creating super-detailed suits based on the popular Marvel Comics' character. He has now made several costumes, including multiple versions of Iron Man's armor, as well as War Machine -- complete with moving, motorized parts.
Sounds like a guy with a lot of time on his hands. I'm sure the ladies love it. But hey, if it makes him happy, so be it. And yes, he plans to wear a suit to the movie theater for the opening of Iron Man 2 this weekend. If you're in Centennial, keep an eye out for a guy in an Iron Man costume. (Thanks, Joe.)