
yes, the attackers are targeting asians

As you know, there has been a recent spate of attacks -- some fatal -- on Asian Americans in the Bay Area. No matter how you slice, and despite some authorities' claims to the contrary, Asians are being targeted. But why? One African American ex-con admits to once targeting Asians... but not out of hate: Bay Area Ex-Con Admits To Targeting Asians.
Ananze Emenike talks about robbing Asians like it was no big deal - during his teen years, it wasn't.

"We got busted for a hate crime, due to the fact that when they linked us to the other robberies…they were 75-85 per cent Asian," recalled Emenike.

Emenike's reign of terror ended with his arrest in 2007 at the age of 17. Ananze said he once targeted Asians, but not because he had any animosity toward his victims. He said he chose Asian victims due to a perception that they carried a lot of money, wouldn't fight back, and wouldn't go to police because of a language barrier.

"We would go places where we knew Asians would carry a lot of money. Like for a good example Stonestown. That was a place we knew lots of Asians came and spent a lot of money," he recalled.
So yes, race definitely played a part in this man's crimes. His victims were targeted because they were Asian, and basically it boiled down to being a crime of opportunity -- fueled by the perception that they carried a lot of money, wouldn't fight back, and wouldn't go to police because of a language barrier. But not out of hate, apparently.

Does that make it better? Hell no. And that's just one guy's perspective. This does nothing to explain the recent attacks where Asians were assaulted for no apparent reason -- no robbery, nothing. Just unprovoked attacks. Can you tell me those incidents weren't motivated by hate either?

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