
apalc releases new citizenship video and workbook

The Asian Pacific American Legal Center has released "Citizenship 101: Your Guide to Citizenship," a new video and workbook to help immigrants seeking U.S. citizenship navigate the naturalization process.

Available in seven languages, the "Citizenship 101" video presents helpful information in a visually rich and engaging manner. The English language workbook complements the video with additional guidance and details. From APALC's press release:
APALC Executive Director Stewart Kwoh commented, "Although Asian immigrants naturalize at higher rates than immigrants from other regions, an estimated 800,000 Asians and Pacific Islanders in California alone may currently be eligible for citizenship. However, until they apply and naturalize, they do not have the right to vote or access to the protections and opportunities available only to American citizens."

The "Citizenship 101" video covers citizenship topics every applicant should know, from application to the oath of allegiance. It includes a sample interview to familiarize viewers with this challenging step and presents all 100 questions and answers from the U.S. government and history ("civics") examination. The video is currently available in English, Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin, and Vietnamese, and will be offered in Hindi and Tagalog in July. The interview, civics questions and answers, and English test sentences are left in English to help viewers improve their language proficiency in those critical areas.

Accompanying the video is a 64-page workbook that provides additional detail and guidance on specific citizenship subjects. This resource includes valuable tips on completing the citizenship application and preparing for the citizenship interview.
The video and workbook set is available for free on the internet. The video can be streamed instantly, and the workbook can be downloaded for viewing or printing from APALC's Immigration & Citizenship page here. You can also order your own DVD and hard copy workbook. For further details, go here.

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