I got a big kick out of this funny video by brothers Andrew and David Fung, who put together an homage to all the great stuff to eat in San Gabriel Valley, which arguably has the best Chinese food -- and a whole lot more -- in Southern California. Their little Jay-Z parody caught the attention of the Los Angeles Times Daily Dish blog: 'Welcome to the SGV'
Like Andrew says, if you grew up the San Gabriel Valley, you might take it for granted. But when the Fung brothers, who hail from Seattle, visited and stayed with their cousin in Monterey Park this summer, it was like they hand landed on Asian food paradise. Thus, the grub-inspired song and video.
Also check out Andrew and David's Asian pride anthem Still Got Rice?, an update of the late nineties, pre-YouTube underground viral track "Got Rice?" Remember that? Honestly, I was never a big fan of that song back in the day, but I'm at least feeling the sentiment behind this.
For more from these guys, check Andrew's YouTube channel here, David's YouTube channel here, and David's blog Make It in the Motherland.