
angry gift guide: khmer girls in action holiday sale

If you're in Southern California this weekend, consider heading to Koreatown for the 3rd Annual Holiday Gift Sale benefiting Khmer Girls in Action, where you can pick up some cool stuff for yourself and gifts for loved ones. It's happening this Saturday afternoon, December 4 at the Koreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance Cultural Education Center (KIWA).

Khmer Girls in Action's mission is to build a progressive and sustainable Long Beach community that works for gender, racial and economic justice led by Southeast Asian and Khmer young women. KGA will be selling handmade fair trade silk products from Cambodia. Here are some more details:
Holiday Gift Sale to Benefit Khmer Girls in Action

Saturday, December 4
3:00pm - 6:00pm

Koreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance (KIWA) Cultural Education Center
3471 West 8th St (between Hobart and Serrano)
Los Angeles, CA

It's KGA's Third Annual Holiday Gift Sale!

Khmer Girls in Action (KGA) will be selling fair trade silk products from Woman for Woman (WfW). WfW is a member of a world fair trade organization called Cambodian Artisan Association (www.aac.org.kh).

The silk products are designed by a Cambodian woman artist and handmade by girls and women with disability in Cambodia's capital, Phnom Penh. These beautiful products come in an array ...of colors and prints and make wonderful gifts. They are also affordable: prices start at $4. We have new designs and items for 2010!

Invite your friends and family. Come, mingle, browse, eat, drink, and support the work of Cambodian women artisans and young Khmer American women in Long Beach.

*Raffle prize drawings
*Street parking available
*Refreshments and hors d'oeuvres served
*Cash, checks, and credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, and American Express) accepted
*All proceeds benefit KGA
Sounds like it's going to be a fun event, for a great cause. If you can't attend, please consider making a donation online here. Be sure to designate "Khmer Girls in Action" as the program you're supporting. For more information, go to the Khmer Girls in Action website here, and the Facebook event page here.

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