
breaking the silence, march 8

If you're in New York, just wanted to help spread the word about this panel on domestic violence and sex trafficking, Breaking the Silence, happening Tuesday, March 8 at the Columbia University School of Social Work. This is a chance to hear from professionals engaging in a dialogue on issues that too often get swept under the rug in our community. Here are some more details:

Domestic Violence and Sex Trafficking in the Asian Pacific Islander Community

March 8, 2011

Columbia University School of Social Work
1255 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10027
Room C03

41-60% of Asian and Pacific Islander women reported experiencing domestic violence during their lifetime (nyawc.org). How many seek help? What can be done? Hear from the perspectives of professionals in the field and engage in a dialogue on confronting domestic violence and sex trafficking within this population.

Panelists include:
Olivia Canlas- AF3IRM
Yi-Jen (Scarlett) Chang, Esq. - Sanctuary for Families
Haemy Lee - New York Asian Women's Center
La'Shawn Rivera - Rape Crisis Anti-Violence Support Center, Health Services at Columbia University

Sponsored by the Asian Pacific Islander Caucus

Dean Marianne Yoshioka - Columbia University School of Social Work
That statistic is staggering -- 41-60% of Asian and Pacific Islander women reported experiencing domestic violence during their lifetime. Yet our community just doesn't talk about it. Hence, the title of this event. Come out, be part of the dialogue. For further information, go to the Facebook event page here.

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