Congratulations, Alexandra Wallace. Your "Asians in the Library" video is now legendary. I'm guessing this is not the reaction she had in mind when she posted the damn thing. But let me reiterate: I do not condone harassment or retribution towards Ms. Wallace. Don't be a moron. The death threats are seriously out of line, and don't help anyone.
However, I do welcome creative and intelligent ridicule.
For example, this catchy little song by Jimmy Wong, inspired by Alexandra's ching chongs, ling longs and ting tongs. Sort of in the vibe of Jemaine's tunes from Flight of the Conchords. My favorite part is the chorus. For more from Jimmy, check out his Facebook page here and his YouTube channel here.
UPDATE: Here's a great NPR story on Jimmy Wong's funny and good-spirited response to Alexandra Wallace's ridiculous video, and how it stands out in the era of modern cyber-bullying: Jimmy Wong Saves The Internet.