Haha. Check out the latest short from Wong Fu Productions: Kung Fooled. This time, they've teamed up with YouTube's epic maker of really violent action videos, Freddie Wong, with a special appearance from Ryan HIga -- you know, the guy behind YouTube's most-subscribed channel. And when these guys get together, you know it's silly fun. Take a look:
What if all Asians really did know kung fu? Or... what if everyone just thought we did? Like I said, silly fun. Disappointed to see a distinct lack of gun violence we usually see from Freddie. But sometimes you gotta go hand-to-hand. Sort of.
For more from Wong Fu Productions, including behind-the-scenes stuff and outtakes on the making of this video, go to their website here and their YouTube channel here. Also check out Freddie Wong's YouTube channel here and Ryan Higa's YouTube channel here.