
teen science fair winners go to the white house

Yeah! Let's hear it for kids and science. A couple of months ago, I wrote about Naomi Shah, Shree Bose and Lauren Hodge, a trio of girls who swept the top prizes at the Google Science Fair, a global competition for teenagers. This week, President Obama met with the winners at the White House: President Obama Welcomes Science Fair Winners to Oval Office.
In keeping with his promise to honor the winners of science competitions as much as those who win sports championships, President Obama welcomed the winners of the first-ever Google Science Fair to the Oval Office yesterday.

The winners, three young women from the United States, bested roughly 10,000 competitors from 90 different countries to earn top accolades from a judging panel of acclaimed scientists. Their victories represent the impressive accomplishments that students - including girls and underrepresented groups - can achieve in science, technology, engineering, and math subjects when given the tools and support they need to succeed.

In their meeting with the President, the winners described their hopes of earning advanced degrees in the sciences and making that research relevant to the lives of others in their communities.
Congratulations, ladies! I think you've got some pretty bright futures ahead of you. And you get to rock those rad trophies made from Legos, all the way to the Oval Office. Science fair winners rule. Always.

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