
your halloween costumes, part one

Costumes and candy, the day after. I hope you've recovered from your sugar high hangover. Last week, I put a call out for you to send in photos of your cool Halloween costumes -- always a popular feature around here.

Above, we have Tim Lambert of the Asian Pacific American Legal Center as Domokun, who is always there for your IT fixes. Here are some more costume photos that came my way:

Found this one here. That's Aubrey Anderson-Emmons, who plays Lily on Modern Family, costumed as Thriller-era Michael Jackson.

Our good friend Carmen the Crayon and her daughter Sean as Kai Lan from Ni Hao Kai Lan, her favorite cartoon.

In their annual submission, Aaron Takahashi as Puss in Boots and Elizabeth Ho as a Starfleet officer, complete with a Tribble.

Roger and his son Jonas went as Shogun Assassin, more authentically known as Lone Wolf and Cub.

Fan as Breakbot, a Parisian DJ that dresses in a very peculiar way.

I don't know who this kid is, but that's just cruel. (Thanks, Henry.)

Thanks to everyone who submitted a photo. If anyone else feels like sharing their tasteful, totally appropriate Halloween costume photos, send it my way, and I'll post them up again tomorrow.

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