
it's the hollywood whitewash: tom cruise to star in japanese novel adaptation all you need is kill

Well, hooray again for Hollywood. Last week, word got out that the one and only Tom Cruise has signed on to star in Warner Brothers' sci-fi action flick All You Need Is Kill, based on the Japanese novel by Hiroshi Sakurazaka: Tom Cruise cues 'All You Need Is Kill.'

I originally posted something about this project over a year ago. Alas, you know the drill. The movie adaptation has been completely scrubbed out all traces of the the source material's Japanese-ness. Thus "Keiji Kiriya" becomes "Billy Cage," and everything's neat, tidy and white. As usual.
After sitting in development limbo for many months, "All You Need Is Kill" may finally be on the fast track as Tom Cruise has agreed to star.

Based on the graphic novel, the original story is in the vein of "Groundhog Day," with a twist: A soldier in a war against aliens finds himself reliving his last day over and over after being killed. Through the training and battles he experiences in these time loops, he becomes a better soldier.

While a deal with the studio isn't officially signed, Cruise has been weighing this role for some time after continued talks with director Doug Liman.

Sources say Warners. prexy Jeff Robinov always wanted a big star, though the script called for a younger actor like Ryan Gosling or Joseph Gordon Levitt. Studio has already had the script rewritten to make the character fit Cruise's age.
So they can re-write the script to fit Tom Cruise's age, but when it comes to characters' race, it's white all the way! It's a shame --- the book, which crosses a Groundhog Day plot device with a futuristic alien invasion storyline, sounds really cool. I can already tell the movie will be remarkably less cool. More here: Tom Cruise Close To 'All You Need Is Kill.'

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