Good times! Gather 'round to meet the Angry Reader of the Week, spotlighting you, the very special readers of this website. Over the years, I've been able to connect with a lot of cool folks, and this is a way of showing some appreciation and attention to the people who help make this blog what it is. This week's Angry Reader is Marky Enriquez.
Who are you?
I am Marky Enriquez. I'm always on Filipino time.
What are you?
I'm a DJ, event producer and marketing dude on most days, but I've been everything from engineer, radio host, to runner and dog lover. I could also be considered a record junkie, barista, an art gallery director and a procrastinator. Let's just say I wear hella hats.
Where are you?
I'm at my apartment in Lower Haight, trying to wrap my head around these questions!
Where are you from?
I was born in San Francisco and raised in San Mateo. I went to high school at St. Ignatius in the City (Go Wildcats!), then took my talents to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, where I got a degree in Industrial Engineering. I now find myself back in San Francisco, the place I call home.
What do you do?
Currently, I work at the Center for Asian American Media where I'm the Marketing Manager for the 30th San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival. (Go watch some movies!) This is my 4th year on staff, and the Festival is always something I look forward to. I'm also producing Directions In Sound (DIS), the genre-bending music showcase of the Festival. DIS is one of my favorite events because it not only features emerging artists, but also attempts to bridge the gap between film and music communities.
When I'm not working at the Festival, I'm throwing events with Massive Selector; a San Francisco-based collective known for bringing parties such as Wonder-Full: A Tribute to the Wonders of Stevie and Soul Slam: Prince & Michael Jackson from New York to the West Coast. My latest project, SFNY, is a bi-coastal experience that attempts to highlight the cultural ties between San Francisco and New York. As a DJ, you might catch me spinning at Sweater Funk, a weekly dance party at Li Po Lounge in Chinatown, SF.
Over the years I've made my mark in the nitelife arena, but since ventured off into new frontiers... In 2003, I'm proud to have helped launch Poleng Lounge, a tea lounge, restaurant, and bar that became the face of modern Filipino cuisine. I was also part of the team that started The Summit, a cafe, tech space, and art gallery that quickly became one of San Francisco’s most exciting new venues to open in 2010.
What are you all about?
Connecting the dots. Building bridges. Helping others. As I get older I'm realizing it's less about me, and more about "we."
What makes you angry?
Honestly, I don't get angry much (sorry, Phil). But I did find it interesting that the week Jeremy Lin was bal-lin, racism reared its ugly head on a lot of the coverage. I was like, "oh no, here we go..." I had William Hung flashbacks, and nightmares of Rice Picker Hat Night at MSG. Kinda makes you laugh, but goes to show we're still a long way from completely understanding each other... I do get ticked off when people don't pick up after their dogs!