Jeremy Lin, Face of America: Why Linsanity matters -- not only to Asian Americans, but to the rest of America.
Linsanity's Impact on My Son: While it seemed for a moment that Linsanity had gripped the entire nation, Frances Kai-Hwa Wang shares about the person who perhaps needed Jeremy Lin the most -- her eight-year-old son.
My Life's Sentences: Jhumpa Lahiri, author of Unaccustomed Earth, The Namesake and Interpreter of Maladies, with an elegant essay on sentences.
Chang-rae Lee on War, Alienation, and the Power of Reading: Chang-rae Lee, author of Pulitzer-nominated The Surrendered talks about how politics, history, and assimilation have influenced his work.
God I Know Why Jeremy Lin is Here: Actress Michelle Krusiec reflects on the recent Saving Face reunion at SFIAAFF, gets some inspiration from Jeremy Lin, and ponders the "whys" behind her passion.
Joan Chen: No More Concubine, Dragon Lady Roles: Actress Joan Chen, who was honored at this year's SFIAAFF, speaks about her role in The Last Emperor, why it was worth it to go underground in China and create Xiu Xiu, a movie that takes place during China's Cultural Revolution, and reminds us that the fight for more diverse roles for Asian American actors continues.
Interview: Vik Sahay: The actor who played Lester Patel on the recently wrapped series Chuck discusses five years of the show and his thoughts on East Indian roles in Hollywood.
Sonja Sohn: Changing Baltimore Long After 'The Wire': Playing a cop on The Wire triggered more memories than Sonja Sohn expected. When the show ended, Sohn stayed in Baltimore to continue working for change.
Exclusive Interview with Steven Yeun - Glenn Of The Walking Dead: The Walking Dead's Steven Yeun is charming, kind, and thinks his character Glenn's biggest flaw is that he needs to work out more.
63 Years Flying, From Glamour to Days of Gray: After 63 years and over 80 million miles in the air, 83-year-old Ron Akana is widely believed to be the longest-serving flight attendant in the United States.
What Asian Americans Reveal About Affirmative Action: "Most people assume that the dismantling of affirmative action would benefit Asian Americans by opening up even more slots for Asian high-achievers. The notion that this is good for Asian Americans seems plausible on the surface, but on a deeper level, it's quite misguided."
The Asian Hero: Objectification or Equality?: Asian men are getting more face-time on Jeannie Kim's romantic book covers, and the author wonders if this is a celebration of Asian masculinity, or just a form of objectification.