As you know, Nate Shinagawa is running for Congress in New York's 23rd Congressional District. Sure, he's young, but comes with experience and has a lot of support. But for radio broadcasters Bill Nojay and Bob Savage, all that really seems to matter is that his name is Nate Shinagawa.
As in "not from around here." On Nojay and Savage's July 6 broadcast on WYSL 1040 AM, they make mocking remarks about everything from his Asian name ("You should be impressed that I know how to pronounce 'Shinagawa.'") to his national origin ("from the People's Republic"), capping it all off by playing "Sukiyaki."
Here's a clip of the broadcast:
That is some racist bullshit. Because in United States, a guy named "Shinagawa" couldn't possibly stand for American values, right? If you'd like WYSL to know how you feel about Nojay and Savage's comments, feel free to call the station at (585) 346-3000 or fax (585) 346-0450. You can also use the handy contact information here.
For more information on Nate Shinagawa, visit his campaign website here.