
sikh man killed in milwaukee grocery store shooting

Wondering why this hasn't been more widely reported...

In Milwaukee, police are investigating the fatal shooting of a store employee who was also a member of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin in Oak Creek: Man killed near 38th and Locust was member of Sikh Temple.

On Wednesday night, 56-year-old Dalbir Singh was working at the Harmony Food Store when he shot and killed during what appears to be an attempted robbery involving two assailants:
FOX6 News spoke with Jatinder Singh - the owner of the Harmony Food Store, who is also Singh’s nephew. He told FOX6 News he and Singh were inside the store, locking the door for the night Wednesday when a man approached them with a gun.

Jatinder says the man held the gun to his head and made demands.

"He said 'go in, go inside.' I said 'okay,' Jatinder Singh said.

Jatinder Singh and his uncle followed the man’s orders. Once they were inside the store, Jatinder Singh tried to push the man out and lock the door.

"Then, he shoot right away. I heard the pop," Jatinder Singh said.

The bullet hit Dalbir Singh, who was standing near the store's basement stairs. Dalbir Singh fell down the stairs and into the basement.
Hasn't this community seen enough tragedy? More here: Dalbir Singh Murdered: Another Sikh Killed in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

UPDATE: 16-year-old Deangelo Williams has been arrested and charged in the murder of Dalbir Singh: Teen felon charged with grocery store killing.

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