In case you were wondering the hell Bai Ling has been up to lately...
You may be familiar with the movie studio The Asylum, who are notoriously known for their extensive catalog of shameless low-budget Hollywood movie ripoffs. Like Transformers? Try Transmorphers. The Day the Earth Stood Still? No. The Day the Earth Stopped. You can imagine some poor guy getting fooled and grabbing the wrong box off the shelf at Best Buy.
So here's the hilarious trailer for -- I kid you not -- Age of the Hobbits, starring none other than Bai Ling. Aside from the name, it bears little resemblance to anything related to Tolkein, but I'm sure it'll confuse somebody:
Not so coincidentally, Age of the Hobbits hits home video just days before Peter Jackson's super-official adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkein's The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey opens in theaters in December. This does not sit well with New Line Cinema, and the studio is reportedly threatening The Asylum with a lawsuit: 'Hobbit' Lawyers Threaten 'Age of the Hobbits' Movie.