Damn. Asians behaving badly... parking garage brawl edition! In Boston, authorities are investigating a crazy-ass fight involving dozens of people that occurred inside a popular parking garage on early Sunday morning: State Police Investigate Brawl In Boston Parking Garage.
Part of the brawl was caught on video and, of course, uploaded to WorldStarHipHip.com. Not sure how it all started, but the video shows a big group of Asians guys (and girls? -- it's hard to tell) beating up on a couple of bleeding white dudes. Two victims were taken to the hospital with minor injuries:
Chaos. One of the victims has been identified as Jonathan Brisco, shown in the video with a bloodied face: Father Thankful Son Is Alive After Boston Parking Garage Brawl.
Some say the fight started over beeping horns in the parking lot gridlock, while I've also read other comments claiming it was set off by drunken remarks. Who the hell knows? What I do know is, thanks to this video, someone is getting their ass arrested and/or sued. Come on, people.