Daaaaang! On Friday night in Manitoba, Canada, one student at Brandon University got a semester's tuition paid for in full, all thanks to a basketball coach who sunk one of those crazy half-court shots. No problem: Brandon University coach sinks effortless half-court shot for student's tuition.
At halftime, student Mason Kaluzniak had the chance to win a semester's tuition on the University, and the rules apparently allowed someone to shoot the half-court heave on his behalf. Coach Gil Cheung, a former player for Brandon, was up for the challenge. He took off his coat... and here's the video of how it went down:
Nothing but net. It was a pretty good night in Winnipeg. Kulazniak got his free tuition, and the Brandon Bobcats went on to beat the Regina Cougars, 68-54. More here: Bank it! Half-court swish pays tuition.