Happy Valentine's Day, whatever it means to you. By complete coincidence, today also happens to mark the 12-year anniversary of this website, Angry Asian Man. No joke. Twelve years ago today, I flipped the switch, and the very first iteration of this blog went live on the internets. I didn't expect anyone to read it, and definitely didn't imagine I'd still be running it all these years later, but here we are.
Damn, I've been doing this for a dozen years. I think I say this every year, but I can't shake the feeling that I did the math wrong. Nope. February 2001. That's twelve freaking years.
Over the years, we've seen a lot of crazy angry things, some wonderful moments, some heartbreaks. I've had to shovel through a lot of crap -- a lot of the same crap over and over again -- and running this thing ain't easy, but twelve years later, I can say it's one of the most rewarding things I've ever done. I'm proud of this blog, and I couldn't have done it without all of you awesome angry readers.
So this is where I thank you. Thanks to everyone who sent in links, tips and all sorts of helpful information my way over the years. Thank you to everyone who has sent messages of strength and support. Thank you the great friends and amazing relationships this blog has brought into my life. Thank you to all the people who get angry, and fight everyday for our community. And thank you to the haters -- you fuel my fire.
Happy Angryversary, everybody. Let's keep this going together. Stay Angry.