
Mr. Lin's Extreme Workout

"If he can do the hook shot, I believe he can be a NBA superstar."

Ever wonder how Jeremy Lin got his basketball skillz? Lots of hard work and hustle... and a very specific training regimen prescribed by his father, Mr. Gie-Ming Lin. The unorthodox (and rather messy) workout involves blindfolds, eggs, water balloons, and of course, the hook shot. So get focused, and watch and learn some fundamentals from Papa Lin's Extreme Workout:

Dude, did I just see Jeremy get hit in the crotch with a basketball?

As you can see, Mr. Lin is a big fan of Kareem Abdul Jabbar's sky hook. You can seen more of Jeremy's father, as well as Jeremy's whole family, in the excellent feature documentary Linsanity, opening in select theaters nationwide this Friday, October 4. Go here for more info on screenings.

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