
AADP's 7th Annual Laugh For Lives 2014

Friday, March 7 at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco

What's up, San Francisco. On Friday, March 7, the Laugh for Lives comedy show will be happening at the Palace of Fine Arts. Proceeds will benefit the Asian American Donor Program, a non-profit dedicated to increasing the availability of stem cell donors for patients with life threatening diseases. Performers that night include Eli Nicolas, Paul Ogata, Omid Singh, and Tina Kim. Here's a promo for the show:

Here's more info:
AADP's 7th Annual Laugh for Lives 2014

Friday, March 7, 2014

Palace of Fine Arts
3301 Lyon Street
San Francisco, CA 94123

Laugh for Lives is a comedy show benefiting Asian American Donor Program, a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the availability of potential stem cells donors for patients with life threatening diseases curable by a stem cell transplant. Ethnic minority individuals are desperately needed to register as a potential bone marrow/stem cell donor.

Laugh for Lives 2014 will take place on Friday, March 7, 2014 at the Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco.The list of performers includes Eli Nicolas, Paul Ogata, Omid Singh, Tina Kim and hosted by Jimmy Ouyang.

To purchase tickets: http://www.aadp.org/lfl14/

Free Parking: http://www.palaceoffinearts.org/Directions.html

Because finding a matching donor is often based on ethnicity, and because there are so few Asian American and Pacific Islander donors listed on the National Registry, many patients are not able to find a perfect matching donor. AADP’s goal is to register more ethnic minority donors and give patients a greater chance of finding a perfect match early on in their diagnosis. It costs $100 to add one (1) new donor onto the Registry. We need your help to continue our cause so no donor is asked to pay to join the registry.
Visit the AADP website for more details and to purchase your tickets.

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