What. Did. I. Just. Watch? I've been trying to summon the proper words after watching this bizarre, crazy-ass music video for "Turn Down for What" by DJ Snake and Lil Jon. Initial reaction: ouch.
The video, directed by Daniels, features an Asian dude with an invincible, uncontrollable crotch that appears to be possessed by unnatural forces... compelling him to literally tear down the ceiling and lead the entire building in a flailing, face-melting, frenzied celebration of shaking ya ass. It's disturbing, mesmerizing and hilarious.
And I'm not kidding about the face-melting:
When you think it can't get any weirder, it does. Clearly, I've been attending the wrong parties.
Can anyone tell me who the Pelvic Pied Piper is? I would like to know where to send his trophy for The Most Athletic Pelvic Thrusting in a Music Video Ever. He automatically gets the lifetime achievement award.
UPDATE: The dude with the iron crotch is played by Daniel Kwan, one-half of the directing team Daniels.