Good readers, today officially marks the anniversary of Angry Asian Man.
Fourteen years ago today, I pulled some knobs and hit return to upload the very first version of this blog. I didn't even know what I was doing was referred to as "blogging." I wasn't sure anyone would read it, and I sure as hell didn't think I'd have a following. But here we are fourteen years later. I've been working on this thing longer than I've worked on anything in my entire life. I wouldn't be here without you, my awesome readers.
Thank you. Thank you to everyone who has contributed a helpful link or a tip, or has sent a note of encouragement, or even crappy message of hate. You've fueled the fire that has kept me busting my ass to make this happen, year after year. Thank you to true community, both online and off, and all of the incredible relationships I've been able to forge along the way -- you are the best part of this whole thing.
Thank you to all of you readers, listeners, viewers, contributors, donors, collaborators, sharers, likers, retweeters, high-fivers, huggers, gift-givers and lovers. Thank you to everyone who's bought me a drink or shared a meal. Thank you to all who have shown kindness and support when I needed it, and even a little butt-kicking when I needed that too. Thank you to my family, who have shown me endless patience.
Fourteen years. I keep thinking I've done the math wrong -- I say this every year -- but that's what we've got. There are some big plans and changes coming up. I hope you'll stick with me into year fifteen. Stay Angry.