There's been plenty of commentary about the Academy Awards' stunning lack of diversity. I won't add to that, except to say that it's pretty sad to find yourself looking in the blurry background of crowd shots during the Oscars broadcast to catch anything remotely resembling an Asian face, and cheering when a movie about a friggin' cartoon Asian boy and his robot take home the award for Best Animated Feature. That's me.
So I was jolted out of my sad Asianspotting stupor last night when Tom Cross, who is Vietnamese American, took home the Academy Award for editing for his work on the feature film Whiplash -- the movie's third Oscar of the evening -- beating out the category's heavy favorites Boyhood and The Grand Budapest Hotel.
Here's Tom Cross backstage on the official Oscars "Thank You Cam":
This was only Cross' third feature film as editor. His previous credits include The Space Between, Any Day Now and Time Lapse. This was his first Academy Award nomination.
More here: 'Whiplash' Editor Tom Cross Wins First Oscar For Achievement In Editing
And now back to your regularly scheduled celebration of Hollywood's Achievements in Whiteness.