Do you know who Vincent Chin was? The hate crime murder of Vincent Chin is often cited as a rallying point for Asian American activism, but how many people know who he was and what happened to him?
The Jubilee Project's latest video installment of "Voices" for NBC Asian America gathered a group of Asian Americans -- including myself -- to talk about Vincent Chin. Some were intimately aware of what had happened to him, while others, unfortunately but not surprisingly, had never heard of the case at all.
Take a look:
Learning about Vincent Chin was a seminal moment in my own Asian American political consciousness. It's one of those cases that everyone should know about, yet is perpetually at risk of being buried and forgotten to history. I think Taz's quote, which closes the piece, sums it up: "We need to remember the past to make sure it doesn't happen in the present."
The five-episode "Jubilee Project: Voices" series is part of "NBC Asian America Presents...," a new video channel that will feature documentaries centered around themes and voices found in Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. New episodes of "Voices" will be release on Tuesdays in May.
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