It's true. Wong Kar-wai is doing TV. The legendary Hong Kong auteur is stepping into the episodic television format with the 10-part original Amazon series Tong Wars, "a gangster saga that resonates within the complex narrative of the Chinese American experience." The series follows the journey of Vicky Sun from a slave girl in turn-of-the-century Chinatown to the richest woman in 1970s San Francisco.
And they need actors! This open casting call notice for Tong Wars is currently being shared widely on social media. They're looking for Chinese actors of various ages who can speak fluent Cantonese and American English to play the series regular roles of Vicky Sun, Tom Sun, Lo Mo and Johnny Young.
Check it out:

Again, you must speak fluent Cantonese. It specifically says that they're "open to seeing new faces as well as professional actors," so if you're interested, go for it. You'll need to submit a headshot -- doesn't have to be professional -- a brief resume and a one-minute video describing the last movie or TV show you saw, in both English and Cantonese. Submit by December 22, 2017 to tongwarspopingcasting@gmail.com.
For more information, refer to the flyer above.
By the way, I will watch the hell out of this.