Check it. Sung H. Kim's film Mighty Warriors of Comedy was recently released on DVD. It's a documentary about the wacky, heralded Asian American sketch comedy troupe 18 Mighty Mountain Warriors, following their struggles to fight the good fight, have their voices heard and keep it real on the comedy stage. It's a well-made documentary with great insight on Asian Americans in performing arts, from people are in thick of it, making it happen for themselves. Good stuff. The film recently won a Northern California Emmy for "Arts/Entertainment - Program Special." The DVD also includes "Hatest Grits"all the skits from the Warriors' "Best of" show, and a 16-minute documentary on 18MMW's comrades in the struggle, Partner's in Crime. It's available for purchase from the good folks at the Center for Asian American Media.
For you, the good readers of this website, we've got a giveaway. And I know you love the free stuff. You have the chance to win a shiny DVD copy of Mighty Warriors of Comedy. To enter, simply answer this question: if you had your very own Asian American sketch comedy troupe, what would your group be called? (Hint: there are no right or wrong answers.) Email me your response, along with your name and mailing address by the end of next Monday, June 11th. Please include "MIGHTY WARRIORS DVD" in the subject line of your email. As always, entries that do not follow these simple instructions will be thrown out, because people who can't follow simple instructions are fools. Same goes for duplicate entries. I'll throw all the entries in a bucket, draw a few names, and we'll have our winners. Easy. So get those entries in, you sexy people.