This is for you, San Francisco film fans... Hailing from Canada, Julia Kwan's festival favorite Eve and the Fire Horse opens this Friday, July 6th for a limited two week engagement at the Sundance Kabuki Cinemas in San Francisco. If you missed it on the festival circuit, I highly recommend checking it out. I know you're looking at the photo above and thinking it's one of those Asian horror films with creepy kids. But it's not. It's not. Eve and the Fire Horse is remarkable, beautiful, quirky little film, about a Chinese Canadian family growing up and grappling with old world/new world spirituality and everyday living. That may sound kind of odd, but rarely do you see religion, faith and spirituality handled so delicately and intelligently on film. The film won the 2006 Special Jury Award at the Sundance Film Festival, and critic Roger Ebert loved it. So do check it this weekend... Support this great film! Bring your friends, spread the word. Oh, and director Julia Kwan will be at the Sundance Kabuki Cinemas on Saturday, July 7th to host a Q & A session and to sign DVDs.
Also, for those of you in Southern California, you've got a chance to see Eve and the Fire Horse next week at a couple of special screenings... The movie will be showing Monday, July 9th, 7:30pm at the Fine Arts Theatre in Beverly Hills, followed by a Q & A with Julia Kwan. The screening is free, but you have to RSVP to my man Jack Song. For all the evening's details, go here.
Aaaaand, Visual Communications presents a special screening of Eve and the Fire Horse this Tuesday, July 10th, 7:30pm at the Laemmle's One Colorado in Old Town Pasadena. The film premiered as the coveted Festival Centerpiece Attraction at VC Filmfest 2006, so they're bringing it back again for you enjoy (and bring your friends). Director Julia Kwan and producer Erik Paulsson will be present at this one too. (Read VC's interview with Julia Kwan here. For more information about this screening (and all of VC's summer screenings), go here.
The rest of you can check it out later this month, July 24th, when Eve and the Fire Horse is released on DVD from Red Storm Releasing.