
new harold and kumar red band trailer

Harold and Kumar fans, behold. I know there are a lot of you out there. The red band trailer for Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay has hit the internet, and it promises our heroes' return to the big screen will be as hilarious, nasty, and offensive as you've all hoped, indeed taking it to the next level of raunch. To view the trailer, head over to HaroldandKumar.com and click "VIEW AGE RESTRICTED MATERIAL." Couple of things: 1) NSFW. That means Not Safe For Work. There's a lot more language, violence, nudity, sex and drug use than your average green band trailer. You've been warned. 2) I've read the script, and this trailer reveals a few story gags that I thought were particularly funny. If you like surprises, you might want to avoid watching it. Anyway, the movie was originally slated for a February release, but has been pushed back to spring. It'll be out in theaters on April 25, 2008.

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