I rarely watch MTV anymore, but the other day I happened to catch the live casting audition for Randy Jackson Presents America's Best Dance Crew. I was glad I watched it, because I got to see one truly asskicking audition from Kaba Modern, an all-Asian American crew out of Southern California.
They were easily the strongest group representing the West Coast, and completely blew the judges away with their spot-on routine. I loved it. Check out their performance here, through the magic of YouTube. I'll definitely be rooting for them when the show premieres Thursday, February 7 on MTV. That's when you'll get a chance to vote.
I don't know him myself, but Mike Song (the guy with the green-ish jacket) is the brother of a friend of mine. I didn't know this, but according to his Mike's profile on the MTV site, he's apparently the guy who got destroyed in this Kollaboration freestyle dance battle video clip that made David Elsewhere famousnow one of the most watched video clips of all time. Served! That's Mike in the beginning, at age 14. Looks like he's moved on from that defeat to bigger and better things.
UPDATE: I should add that Fysh N Chicks and Jabbawockeez also have Asian members in their crews. But I'll be honest, I'm mainly rooting for Kaba Modern.