Can this be true? Is my hero, Survivor: Cook Islands winner Yul Kwon, considering a run for Congress? He apparently isn't ready to make a public statement, but he has told friends, colleagues and several elected officials he is strongly considering running: 'Survivor' considers run for Lantos' seat.
If Yul decides to announce his candidacy, he'll be facing former state Senator Jackie Speier to represent California's 12th Congressional District in the Bay Area. Longtime incumbent Tom Lantos announced earlier this month that he wouldn't seek re-election due to cancer of the esophagus.
Dude, just stop for a second. Before you start asking about Yul's politics (he's a registered Democrat), or what his policies might be, consider how cool it would be to have the guy pictured above as your congressman. How do you know he's got what it takes? He used his wits to find the immunity idol, he kicked ass in the physical challenges, and he forged a winning tribal alliance. That's it. That's all you need to know. The votes are in. The tribe has spoken.
Okay, so while Yul has never held an actual elected office, he is not without political experience. After graduating from Yale Law School and serving as a law clerk in the U.S. Court of Appeals in New York, he served as a legislative aide to Senator Joseph Lieberman, drafting sections of the Homeland Security Bill and working on technology-related legislation. Boo-ya.
He's got the skills. He's got the name. He's got the look. But Speier would be a tough opponent to beat. She's been around for a long time, has great name recognition, and champions progressive politics. Yul, Survivor winner or not, would have his work cut out for him. But damn, if he won, he would easily be the coolest man in Congress.