
the decision is yours

Here's an article on Asian American Democrats, whose voice and vote are more significant than ever, and are playing a key role in this year's elections: Asian Americans weigh in on Dems

Hon. Norman Y. Mineta, Member of Congress (D-San Jose;1975-1995), US Secretary of Commerce (2000-2001), and US Secretary of Transportation (2001-2006), has endorsed Senator Barack Obama for President: Two Senior California Democrats Endorse Obama. He's a well-respected, experienced veteran of civic and political leadership, and one of Asian America's true pioneer leaders, and to me, this endorsement means a big deal.

Here's an opinion piece in the San Francisco Chronicle on why Asian Americans should vote for Barack Obama, written by Grande Lum, a mediator, author and lecturer on negotiation at UC Berkeley Law School: PRIMARY VIEWS

Hey, my blogger friends over at Racialicious have also officially stepped out and are endorsing Obama for President, with some very well-written appeals: Racialicious for Obama

This TIME article about Obama's celebrity supporters mentions Kelly Hu and her effort to mobilize Asian American voters, making note of the campaign parties she attended over the weekend, and her participation in the "Yes We Can" video: Obama's Celebrity Army

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