
rain is coming to hollywood

It was recently reported that Korean pop superduperstar Rain has signed with Hollywood's William Morris Agency, setting the stage for his new acting career in the United States. Total domination. We already know that he's got a significant supporting role in this summer's big-screen live-action version of Speed Racer. Next, according to Variety, he's re-teaming with the Wachowski brothers to star in Ninja Assassin. No real details about the movie just yet, though I assume Rain, aka Jung Ji-hoon, will play a ninja assassin of some sort: Rain to Star in the Wachowskis' Ninja Assassin.

I believe this is the Rain Ninja Movie I mentioned a few weeks ago, when they posted a casting call for someone to play a younger Rain. The film is set to shoot from March to July in Berlin, and will be directed by James McTeigue. Rain vs. Ninjas? No problem. We've already briefly seen him fighting ninja-like dudes in the Speed Racer trailer. My only question is, will Stephen Colbert have a role in the movie?

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