The Center for the Pacific Asian Family presents V-Day's Los Angeles Pan-Asian Benefit of The Vagina Monologues, featuring Tamlyn Tomita, Takayo Fischer, Tsuann Kuo, Brenda Vivian, Lynn Chen, Cher Calvin, Janet Choi, Giselle Toni, Alison de la Druz and Shivani Thakkar. This Saturday, March 15 at the Aratani Japan America Theatre in Little Tokyo.
The hope is to raise awareness about the problem of domestic and sexual violence in API communities, where less than 10% of such crimes are ever reported because of shame or cultural stigma. Every penny of the proceeds will go to the Center for the Pacific Asian Family, the only shelter in Southern California offering shelter and hotline services to API women and children survivors of domestic and sexual violence, in honor of their 30 year anniversary this year.