
documentary series on addiction seeking subjects

I heard about this several weeks ago, but forgot to post something about it until now... A documentary series on addiction is currently doing research to find subjects of ethnic populations, traumas and/or addictive behaviors that normally don't get exposed in the media. Maybe you or someone you know has a story that needs to be told. Here are some details:
Do you, or anyone you know, suffer from an addictive behavior?

Our documentary team is looking for individuals who are currently struggling with addictive behavior (drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, steroids, gambling, video games, shopping, etc.) and are willing to open a window into their lives. Participants will be asked to share their personal journeys with us, from the physical highs and lows, to the periods of happiness and misery, and the fleeting moments of frustration, hopelessness, and some times, hope, that emerge along the way. Our philosophy is to treat each addict, family member, and story with love and understanding, and we expect it to be an incredible learning experience for everyone involved. If this interests you, please send a brief summary of the situation you or your loved one is facing to the following email address: mydocstory@gmail.com. Please write "SUBMISSION" in the subject heading of the email.

Please -- don't give up... Write to us. There are so many that want to hear your story.
I know that the producers of this documentary are highly concerned about handling its subjects with sensitivity, and are trying to avoid the perpetuation of negative stereotypes. This could be a really interesting opportunity to highlight and examine some of addictive behaviors our community grapples with, though I understand how difficult it might be for individuals to expose their struggles on camera. Still, it might go a long way towards the model minority myth that haunts Asian Pacific American populations.

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