The Happening, the latest thriller from director M. Night Shymalan, opens in theaters today. It looks intriguing, but I've hearing some bad rumblings about it. Advance word is not good. And just the other day, I read a headline with M. Night calling his own film "a fun B movie." You know its bad when the director is trying to lower audience expectations.
While he was once considered Hollywood's golden boy, I think it's safe to say that M. Night has lost a step. Something happened. Everyone is still waiting for another Sixth Sense. Looks like this one probably isn't it.
Also opening today, The Incredible Hulk. The return of Marvel Comics' big, green, monstrous anti-hero to big screen. I got to see it the other night, and it's a fairly enjoyable summer smash 'em up action flick. This certainly ain't no Ang Lee movie.
Aside from a few extras here and there (Jee-Yun Lee as the Asian reporter, holla), there's no real notable Asian connection worth mentioning here... except for one brief, unexpected moment. I was very surprised to see none other than the late Miyoshi Umeki pop up for a hot second in the movie. I'm totally not joking. She's in it!