Koreatown, Western Ave: The Los Angeles Times is running a weekly series of portraits spotlighting the vast and various neighborhoods of Los Angeles. This week, they provide a stunning glimpse at the sights and sounds of Koreatown.
Little Saigon fallout left mark, San Jose candidates say: After much division and debate, a stretch of Story Road in San Jose was finally named "Little Saigon" earlier this year. However, the controversy has left many wondering if the issue had an adverse impact on the electability of Vietnamese-American candidates.
1st Lt. Watada's Future Still a Mystery: Seven months ago, a federal judge prevented the U.S. Army from conducting a second court-marial of 1st Lt. Ehren Watada for refusing to deploy to Iraq. Since then, the Army hasn't filed any new paperwork, basically leaving Watada in a state of limbo.
Dreams and Desperation on Forsyth Street: This is a very interesting, informative New York Times story on the crazy Chinatown bus phenomenon, and the "vibrant, competitive and largely self-contained economy"as well as the many problemsthat have materialized around the bah-see zhan.
Chinese illegal immigrants discovered in Texas border town: On Saturday, police in La Joya, Texas discovered fifteen undocumented immigrants from China in the back of a SUVapparently a rare sight for this small border town, which is mostly used to seeing immigrants crossing over from Mexico.
Sumo stars live large in L.A.: Over the weekend, for the first time in 27 years, Grand Sumothe All-Star Game of the ancient sportcame to Los Angeles for a two-day tournament. And with it, 40 or so of Japan's biggest sumo celebrities... who toured Hollywood, Universal Studios, and took in a Dodger game.