It's a Rock Bank Party, y'all. If you're in Los Angeles, here's a cool event going on next weekend, for a really good cause... Some folks are throwing a Rock Band Tournament at Grand Star Jazz Club in Chinatown on Saturday, July 12. And you know you wanna get in on this.
Folks can come out and sign up with their "bands" for a fun, chill night Rock Band, DJs and dancing. Players will also get a chance to compete against some real, actual rock bands, like Thomas' Apartment, Big Phony or Black Party Politics. The first place band will go home with a Rock Band game system for Xbox 360, and of course, supreme bragging rights.
All of the proceeds from the event will be going to a Mercy Corps program called Comfort for Kids. It's a great program working with kids in earthquake-affect regions in China, helping them deal with the psychological effects of the earthquake through the use of writing and arts. How cool is that? For more information about the event, go here and here.