The above costume item was recently spotted at a Party City. Want to be a "China Man" this Halloween? Apparently, all it takes is a crappy-looking moustache. It's easy. Just affix this nasty piece of hair on your upper lip, and there you go, instant China Man! Adding some fu to your manchu. (Thanks, Brandon.)
But hey, why stop there? There are other fun and easy ways to be Chinese. Just try on the Chinese Man wig, "an ancient style with bald front and long pigtail in the back." But even at the low sale price of $41.48, the Chinese Man wig might just be a little outside your budget. That's okay, because the Bargain Chinese Man wig is also available for just $22.05. Because nobody should miss out on the racist mockery.
Speaking of bargains, how about this kickass Oriental Guy wig? The attention to detail is just tremendous. I swear, every Oriental Guy I know wears his hair just like this! That's amazing. Wearing this crappy piece of mess on your head, you will be the coolest Oriental Guy at the office Halloween party.
Finally, my favorite one. The Old Chinese Man wig! I have no idea what exactly makes this monstrosity "Chinese." But it apparently comes in white, gray, brown and black. And according to the website, this wig also works for "eccentric recluse" and "prospector." Yes, I'm scratching my head too. But the fun doesn't end there. There are just so many ways to get your Oriental Mystique on! It's going to be another great Halloween. That's racist!