Excuse me as a I geek out for a second. Some brand spankin' new photos from the upcoming Star Trek movie just hit the web, and they look pretty freaking sweet. The image above is your first official look at John Cho as Sulu, rocking the yellow Starfleet uniform. (Okay, the first one was actually 3/4 of his face on a teaser poster, but this is much cooler.)
Yahoo! Movies has gallery of the new photos, which include more first glimpses of the younger, updated Star Trek cast, including Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty and the rest. Equally freaking sweet. I like this one of Zachary Quinto as Spock rockin' a badass choke hold (on Kirk?).
Also, this cover story from Entertainment Weekly reveals a bunch of interesting details about the movie, which has thus far been shrouded in secrecy. Among other things, the article alludes to "Sulu's sworsmanship." I like it.
Unfortunately, we'll have to wait until the movie comes out next summer to see said swordsmanship. In the meantime, the first full trailer is expected to run in front of the new James Bond flick next month. Can't wait. Okay, geek out over.