Check it out. After a solid film festival run, my buddy Gene Rhee's film The Trouble With Romance is finally getting distribution from Warner Brothers. You will be able to see it February 1 on On-Demand/Pay-Per-View, and theatrically on February 27 at the Quad Cinema theaters in New York.
The film is a relationship movie made up of several different vignettes, all taking place at a hotel during the course of one evening. It stars Roger Fan, Emily Liu, Sheetal Sheth, David Eigenberg, Jennifer Siebel and others. Even if you don't like romantic comedies, you'll probably find something enjoyable in at least one of the stories. (I particularly enjoyed the one starring Roger and Emily.)
Considering that this is a low-budget independent film, the fact that its getting any kind of distribution -- from a major studio, no less -- is pretty amazing. You can catch it from the comfort of your own home via Pay-Per-View, but if you're in New York, I encourage you to see it on the big screen on February 27.
It's a solid, well-written and engaging debut feature from a guy I really respect and like. It's great to see Gene getting attention like this, so support The Trouble With Romance and get the word out. For more information about the film, go to the MySpace profile here, and the Facebook group here Watch the trailer here.