I've already written quite a bit about Secret Identities, the Asian American superhero comic book anthology that will be out this spring. The project brings together some of the comic book industry's most prominent creators for a collection of original Asian American superhero stories.
To hype up the release, they've put together a weekly series of video previews highlighting the some of anthology's stories. They've already produced a promo trailer, and released the first video, "IN THE BEGINNING," which is sort of the "origin story" of the project.
This week, it's "9066,", written by Jonathan Tseui and drawn by Jerry Ma. The story centers around a Japanese American superhero who is sent into an internment camp during World War II after President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9066 in response to the attack on Pearl Harbor.
To learn more about Secret Identities, the Asian American superhero anthology, go to the website here. The book will be available in stores in April. You can pre-order it now on Amazon.com