
join us at sxsw 2009

Right now, about to board a plane to western Massachusetts, via Connecticut, to attend L.E.A.D., the 5 College Pan Asian Network's 3rd Annual Spring Conference. Looking forward to meeting and speaking with you all there.

NEXT WEEK: For those in the Austin area and/or planning to attend SXSW 2009, please come out and join Latoya Peterson of Racialicious, Kety Esquivel of CrossLeft, Jay Smooth of Ill Doctrine and me for our panel, Can Social Media End Racism? Here are the basic details:
Can Social Media End Racism?
Sunday, March 15th
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Room 8, Austin Convention Center

The tangled issues of race and privilege in our society come to a boiling point on the internet. Exploring the complicated place of race in society, this presentation examines the ideas of race in the digital environment with a specific focus on social media.
So, um... can social media end racism? I'll give you the short answer: no. But we'll try to make it a fairly interesting and provocative discussion anyway. At any rate, I hope it'll be a chance to meet and engage with a lot of bright, like-minded folks when it comes to talking about race in the digital environment.

More information about the panel here. My fellow bloggers and I are also trying to organize some kind of reader/blogger meet-up gathering somewhere around the convention. Details to be determined... but to stay in touch, please join our recently created Facebook group for the panel here. Hope to see you there!

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