
tammy and victor go to china

Have you been watching The Amazing Race? Just four teams left, and Tammy and Victor are still in it! The brother/sister lawyer team hit a few speed bumps here and there, but they're still in the race and going strong. Last night, the competition landed them in China, and fortunately for Tammy and Victor Jih, their Mandarin isn't too shabby. Pretty interesting video of them talking about their culture and identity: Raised Expectations.

It gave their team a little bit of an edge, though in a race like this, fortunes can change pretty quickly. Still, they finished in the top three. Tammy and Victor completely carried those other two teams on their backs. They're kicking ass, and I'm hoping they'll make it all the way to the end.

By the way, is anyone else completely sick of the two cheerleaders -- well, just one of them actually -- constantly complaining about non-English speakers wherever they go? Talk about Ugly Americans.

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