
"dream act" graduation ceremony this tuesday

Heads up. There's a really important DREAM Act event -- a graduation ceremony happening in Washington D.C. this Tuesday, June 23, held by United We DREAM, an alliance of groups supporting legislation to remove barriers that prevent immigrant students from attending college.
WHAT: Graduation ceremony to recognize the contributions of immigrant students and build support for the "DREAM Act" and the "American Dream Act"

WHEN: Tuesday, June 23, Noon

WHERE: Lower Senate Park
Louisiana Avenue, NW and D Street, NW
Washington, DC

WHO: United We DREAM advocates representing organizations focused on youth, education, immigration, civil rights, faith, and labor, and members of Congress
The advocates will urge members of Congress to support the "Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act of 2009" (S. 729) and the "American Dream Act" (H.R. 1751).

Each year, 65,000 immigrant students who graduate from U.S. high schools are barred from pursuing their dreams of higher education. Advocates will underscore the importance of advancing the "DREAM Act" and the "American Dream Act" to give these youth a chance to attend college and pursue their goals.

The acts would restore states' rights to determine residency requirements for in-state tuition and establish a path to legal status and eventual citizenship for undocumented youth. The graduation ceremony will recognize the talents and significant academic achievements of immigrant students who would benefit from the legislation, highlighting their contributions and service in local communities.

Hundreds of students from across the country will gather and attend the event on Capitol Hill. And right after the Graduation ends, they'll be visiting the offices of legislators to urge them to support the DREAM Act. Come out and support these students and help make the DREAM Act a reality.

For more information, go here. In addition to the National DREAM Act Graduation, many organizations from across the U.S. will also be holding their own Graduations in solidarity with the one in D.C. The events will be held in North Carolina, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, Indiana, and California.

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